Plan until the cows come home. This is not the time for spontaneity. That time was your honeymoon, or your senior trip (if you were a person that took one of those). Deciding what to do morning-of on a family trip isn’t whimsical– it’s venturing into the territory of risky business.
There will be enough surprises with family travel: airlines that send you an email changing your international flight time– but JK it still left at the original time!!…vomiting toddlers on airplanes…missing reservations…you get the drill. Or even something more subtle: a change in someone’s mood, a sudden dislike of all the food options, etc. 😉 Basically… let’s control what we can. Let’s know what we are getting ourselves into. And make sure everyone else in the family is notified of the basics before you leave so you can make major changes beforehand.
Pro-tip: If you’re NOT driving, aka walking/relying on public transport: make sure you’ve mapped out any sites and restaurants at LEAST the night before (if not sooner). I’ve too often been ill-prepared for HOW FAR AWAY each destination is from the next, and how complicated it is to get there. This sounds obvious but guys… cities be crazy. You don’t want to be wandering around in the heat, super late for the next meal. I usually “favorite” several food options in each neighborhood ahead of time so we can be flexible on when and where we eat.
Do: Streamline your itinerary
So you should definitely plan…but don’t over-crowd your itinerary. Really research the destination and decide what your priorities are. It would be amazing to hit everything a destination has to offer…but that’s probably not going to happen. It’s better to hit only a few important places, but experience them FULLY. Rushing from place to place is exhausting for adults, but even more-so for littles who are very prone to overstimulation.
Be realistic about what your kids can handle each day- based on ages, personalities, etc. It’s better to pace yourselves than get burned out early on.
Do: Get Your Kids Involved Early On
Unless you are specifically surprising your kids with a Magical 4 AM Disney Wake-Up Call (ugh too fun- I want to come!)…then tell your kids about the upcoming trip EARLY ON. As soon as it’s Definitely Happening. Anticipation is 1/3 of the fun! (Reflection on memories and pictures post-trip is another 1/3…the actual trip is the final 1/3 😉 )
Don’t feel like you need to give them complete control of the itinerary. That would be bananas. But if your kids are older, ask them for input. They will feel more invested during the trip itself & surprise you with their insights.
And for younger kids: show them a YouTube video or read a book about where you’ll be going. Context is everything. Get them excited!
Do: Bring in familiar elements & routine (where possible)
You’re in a totally new place, but your daily schedule will hopefully hold on (by a thread) to some semblance of your normal routine. Everyone knows that KIDS THRIVE ON ROUTINE. Your plane landed at 8 pm (oops! normal bedtime!) and you get to the hotel by 9:45 pm (ah so late!). That’s OK! Brush their teeth -with less vigor than normal prob- and still tuck them in with their favorite song and a kiss goodnight. (Unless they are already asleep, in which case HIGH FIVE because you got to entirely skip the bedtime shenanigans!)
Obviously there will be some naps skipped and days that are completely out of whack- everyone will survive. I like to bring a couple of books, small toys, and a blanket from home so my boys never feel too far out of their element. [BUT NOT THEIR VERY FAVORITE ahh can you imagine losing that??!]

And if you’re in a very foreign environment: don’t feel guilty about having a pizza night or breakfast at McDonalds. We definitely do this. Stream a familiar cartoon for the kids while you pack up & get ready for check-out. Sprinkling in some “normal” will help them better brave the new foods, languages, and sites.
Do: Bring any essentials with you*
You don’t want to go hunting items down in an unfamiliar location that you easily could’ve just packed in your suitcase. It’s a waste of precious touring time to shop for non-perishable essentials- unless you really don’t have the space in your luggage.
Most places you’d travel will have sunscreen and insect repellent. Somewhere. BUT WHERE?? Convenience stores vary in their level of convenience, at times. (OK but bring the squirty bug spray and the lotiony sunscreen…leave your aerosol sprays @ home for flights).
Diapers fall into this category for me. I bring enough for the first two days at least. That gives me a bit of a buffer to settle in and find a store. OH and snacks. Not a ton- but enough to where you won’t be left starving in the middle of the night or early AM before stores and restaurants open up. (Even the largest grocery marts in Korea don’t open until 10 am…10 AM you guys!)
*This mainly applies to foreign or city travel– if you’re loaded up in your own car plugging “Wal-Mart” into the Maps App then … forget this conversation ever happened. I take it all back.
Do: Be Medically Prepared
Okay this is the least fun but probably the most important. Unfortunately, kids get sick during travel very frequently. Recycled air on airplanes, immune system down from lack of sleep/proper nutrition, new foods aren’t settling well in the stomach, overheating, you name’s a recipe for a Dr. visit.
My son got very sick unexpectedly while on a trip to Japan. It was scary, but luckily our insurance covered us in a different country. Before you leave, know what your coverage looks like. Which hospitals can you go to near where you’re staying?
And don’t forget a First Aid kit. You’ll obviously need any regular medications/prescriptions… but get specific too. If you’re going on a tropical cruise, bring aloe vera & nausea meds to help with the seasickness. Lots of hiking?? Grab the bandaids and ointments in case of cuts & scrapes. Being prepared can go a long way in ensuring a healthy family trip.
Cover photo by Kalhh via Pixabay
Read about some of our adventures HERE:
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